NVIDIA Morpheus (24.10.01)
(Latest Version)

Program Listing for File http_server_source_stage.cpp

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/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "morpheus/stages/http_server_source_stage.hpp" #include <boost/beast/http/status.hpp> // for int_to_status, status #include <boost/fiber/channel_op_status.hpp> // for channel_op_status #include <boost/fiber/operations.hpp> // for sleep_for #include <cudf/io/json.hpp> // for json_reader_options & read_json #include <glog/logging.h> // for CHECK & LOG #include <exception> // for std::exception #include <sstream> // needed by GLOG #include <stdexcept> // for std::runtime_error #include <thread> // for std::this_thread::sleep_for #include <tuple> // for make_tuple #include <utility> // for std::move #include <vector> // for vector // IWYU thinks we need more boost headers than we need as int_to_status is defined in status.hpp // IWYU pragma: no_include <boost/beast/http.hpp> namespace morpheus { class SourceStageStopAfter : public std::exception {}; // Component public implementations // ************ HttpServerSourceStage ************* // HttpServerSourceStage::HttpServerSourceStage(std::string bind_address, unsigned short port, std::string endpoint, std::string live_endpoint, std::string ready_endpoint, std::string method, std::string live_method, std::string ready_method, unsigned accept_status, float sleep_time, long queue_timeout, std::size_t max_queue_size, unsigned short num_server_threads, std::size_t max_payload_size, std::chrono::seconds request_timeout, bool lines, std::size_t stop_after) : PythonSource(build()), m_max_queue_size{max_queue_size}, m_sleep_time{std::chrono::milliseconds(static_cast<long int>(sleep_time))}, m_queue_timeout{queue_timeout}, m_queue{max_queue_size}, m_stop_after{stop_after}, m_records_emitted{0} { CHECK(boost::beast::http::int_to_status(accept_status) != boost::beast::http::status::unknown) << "Invalid HTTP status code: " << accept_status; payload_parse_fn_t parser = [this, accept_status, lines](const std::string& payload) { std::unique_ptr<cudf::io::table_with_metadata> table{nullptr}; try { cudf::io::source_info source{payload.c_str(), payload.size()}; auto options = cudf::io::json_reader_options::builder(source).lines(lines); table = std::make_unique<cudf::io::table_with_metadata>(cudf::io::read_json(options.build())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::string error_msg = "Error occurred converting HTTP payload to Dataframe"; LOG(ERROR) << error_msg << ": " << e.what(); return std::make_tuple(400u, "text/plain", error_msg, nullptr); } try { // NOLINTNEXTLINE(clang-diagnostic-unused-value) DCHECK_NOTNULL(table); auto queue_status = m_queue.push_wait_for(std::move(table), m_queue_timeout); if (queue_status == boost::fibers::channel_op_status::success) { m_queue_cnt++; return std::make_tuple(accept_status, "text/plain", std::string(), nullptr); } std::string error_msg = "HTTP payload queue is "; switch (queue_status) { case boost::fibers::channel_op_status::full: case boost::fibers::channel_op_status::timeout: { error_msg += "full"; break; } case boost::fibers::channel_op_status::closed: { error_msg += "closed"; break; } default: { error_msg += "in an unknown state"; break; } } return std::make_tuple(503u, "text/plain", std::move(error_msg), nullptr); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::string error_msg = "Error occurred while pushing payload to queue"; LOG(ERROR) << error_msg << ": " << e.what(); return std::make_tuple(500u, "text/plain", error_msg, nullptr); } }; payload_parse_fn_t live_parser = [this, accept_status, lines](const std::string& payload) { if (!m_server->is_running()) { std::string error_msg = "Source server is not running"; return std::make_tuple(500u, "text/plain", error_msg, nullptr); } return std::make_tuple(accept_status, "text/plain", std::string(), nullptr); }; payload_parse_fn_t ready_parser = [this, accept_status, lines](const std::string& payload) { if (!m_server->is_running()) { std::string error_msg = "Source server is not running"; return std::make_tuple(500u, "text/plain", error_msg, nullptr); } if (m_queue_cnt < m_max_queue_size) { return std::make_tuple(accept_status, "text/plain", std::string(), nullptr); } std::string error_msg = "HTTP payload queue is full or unavailable to accept new values"; return std::make_tuple(503u, "text/plain", std::move(error_msg), nullptr); }; std::vector<HttpEndpoint> endpoints; endpoints.emplace_back(parser, endpoint, method); endpoints.emplace_back(live_parser, live_endpoint, live_method); endpoints.emplace_back(ready_parser, ready_endpoint, ready_method); m_server = std::make_unique<HttpServer>( std::move(endpoints), std::move(bind_address), port, num_server_threads, max_payload_size, request_timeout); } HttpServerSourceStage::subscriber_fn_t HttpServerSourceStage::build() { return [this](rxcpp::subscriber<source_type_t> subscriber) -> void { try { m_server->start(); this->source_generator(subscriber); } catch (const SourceStageStopAfter& e) { DLOG(INFO) << "Completed after emitting " << m_records_emitted << " records"; } catch (const std::exception& e) { LOG(ERROR) << "Encountered error while listening for incoming HTTP requests: " << e.what() << std::endl; subscriber.on_error(std::make_exception_ptr(e)); return; } subscriber.on_completed(); this->close(); }; } void HttpServerSourceStage::source_generator(rxcpp::subscriber<HttpServerSourceStage::source_type_t> subscriber) { // only check if the server is running when the queue is empty, allowing all queued messages to be processed prior // to shutting down bool server_running = true; bool queue_closed = false; while (subscriber.is_subscribed() && server_running && !queue_closed) { table_t table_ptr{nullptr}; auto queue_status = m_queue.try_pop(table_ptr); if (queue_status == boost::fibers::channel_op_status::success) { // NOLINTNEXTLINE(clang-diagnostic-unused-value) m_queue_cnt--; DCHECK_NOTNULL(table_ptr); try { auto message = MessageMeta::create_from_cpp(std::move(*table_ptr), 0); auto num_records = message->count(); subscriber.on_next(std::move(message)); m_records_emitted += num_records; } catch (const std::exception& e) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error occurred converting HTTP payload to Dataframe: " << e.what(); } if (m_stop_after > 0 && m_records_emitted >= m_stop_after) { throw SourceStageStopAfter(); } } else if (queue_status == boost::fibers::channel_op_status::empty) { // if the queue is empty, maybe it's because our server is not running server_running = m_server->is_running(); if (server_running) { // Sleep when there are no messages boost::this_fiber::sleep_for(m_sleep_time); } } else if (queue_status == boost::fibers::channel_op_status::closed) { queue_closed = true; } else { std::string error_msg{"Unknown queue status: " + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(queue_status))}; LOG(ERROR) << error_msg; throw std::runtime_error(error_msg); } } } void HttpServerSourceStage::close() { if (m_server) { m_server->stop(); // this is a no-op if the server is not running m_server.reset(); } m_queue.close(); } HttpServerSourceStage::~HttpServerSourceStage() { close(); } // ************ HttpServerSourceStageInterfaceProxy ************ // std::shared_ptr<mrc::segment::Object<HttpServerSourceStage>> HttpServerSourceStageInterfaceProxy::init( mrc::segment::Builder& builder, const std::string& name, std::string bind_address, unsigned short port, std::string endpoint, std::string live_endpoint, std::string ready_endpoint, std::string method, std::string live_method, std::string ready_method, unsigned accept_status, float sleep_time, long queue_timeout, std::size_t max_queue_size, unsigned short num_server_threads, std::size_t max_payload_size, int64_t request_timeout, bool lines, std::size_t stop_after) { return builder.construct_object<HttpServerSourceStage>( name, std::move(bind_address), port, std::move(endpoint), std::move(live_endpoint), std::move(ready_endpoint), std::move(method), std::move(live_method), std::move(ready_method), accept_status, sleep_time, queue_timeout, max_queue_size, num_server_threads, max_payload_size, std::chrono::seconds(request_timeout), lines, stop_after); } } // namespace morpheus

© Copyright 2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jul 8, 2024.