NVIDIA Morpheus (24.10.01)
(Latest Version)

Program Listing for File write_to_file.cpp

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/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "morpheus/stages/write_to_file.hpp" // IWYU pragma: associated #include "mrc/segment/builder.hpp" #include "mrc/segment/object.hpp" #include "pymrc/node.hpp" #include "morpheus/io/serializers.hpp" #include "morpheus/utilities/string_util.hpp" #include <exception> #include <memory> #include <sstream> #include <stdexcept> // for invalid_argument, runtime_error #include <string> #include <utility> // for forward, move, addressof namespace morpheus { // Component public implementations // ************ WriteToFileStage **************************** // WriteToFileStage::WriteToFileStage( const std::string& filename, std::ios::openmode mode, FileTypes file_type, bool include_index_col, bool flush) : PythonNode(base_t::op_factory_from_sub_fn(build_operator())), m_is_first(true), m_include_index_col(include_index_col), m_flush(flush) { if (file_type == FileTypes::Auto) { file_type = determine_file_type(filename); } switch (file_type) { case FileTypes::JSON: { m_write_func = [this](auto&& PH1) { write_json(std::forward<decltype(PH1)>(PH1)); }; break; } case FileTypes::CSV: { m_write_func = [this](auto&& PH1) { write_csv(std::forward<decltype(PH1)>(PH1)); }; break; } case FileTypes::PARQUET: { m_write_func = [this](auto&& PH1) { write_parquet(std::forward<decltype(PH1)>(PH1)); }; break; } case FileTypes::Auto: default: throw std::runtime_error( MORPHEUS_CONCAT_STR("Unknown extension for file: '" << filename << "'. File type: " << file_type)); } // Enable throwing exceptions in case something fails. m_fstream.exceptions(std::fstream::failbit | std::fstream::badbit); m_fstream.open(filename, mode); } void WriteToFileStage::write_json(WriteToFileStage::sink_type_t& msg) { // Call df_to_json passing our fstream df_to_json(msg->get_info(), m_fstream, m_include_index_col, m_flush); } void WriteToFileStage::write_csv(WriteToFileStage::sink_type_t& msg) { // Call df_to_csv passing our fstream df_to_csv(msg->get_info(), m_fstream, m_is_first, m_include_index_col, m_flush); } void WriteToFileStage::write_parquet(WriteToFileStage::sink_type_t& msg) { // Call df_to_csv passing our fstream df_to_parquet(msg->get_info(), m_fstream, m_is_first, m_include_index_col, m_flush); } void WriteToFileStage::close() { if (m_fstream.is_open()) { m_fstream.close(); } } WriteToFileStage::subscribe_fn_t WriteToFileStage::build_operator() { return [this](rxcpp::observable<sink_type_t> input, rxcpp::subscriber<source_type_t> output) { return input.subscribe(rxcpp::make_observer<sink_type_t>( [this, &output](sink_type_t msg) { this->m_write_func(msg); m_is_first = false; output.on_next(std::move(msg)); }, [&](std::exception_ptr error_ptr) { this->close(); output.on_error(error_ptr); }, [&]() { this->close(); output.on_completed(); })); }; } // ************ WriteToFileStageInterfaceProxy ************* // std::shared_ptr<mrc::segment::Object<WriteToFileStage>> WriteToFileStageInterfaceProxy::init( mrc::segment::Builder& builder, const std::string& name, const std::string& filename, const std::string& mode, FileTypes file_type, bool include_index_col, bool flush) { std::ios::openmode fsmode = std::ios::out; if (StringUtil::str_contains(mode, "r")) { // Dont support reading throw std::invalid_argument("Read mode ('r') is not supported by WriteToFileStage. Mode: " + mode); } if (StringUtil::str_contains(mode, "b")) { // Dont support binary throw std::invalid_argument("Binary mode ('b') is not supported by WriteToFileStage. Mode: " + mode); } if (StringUtil::str_contains(mode, "+")) { // Dont support binary throw std::invalid_argument("Read/Write mode ('+') is not supported by WriteToFileStage. Mode: " + mode); } // Default is write if (StringUtil::str_contains(mode, "w")) { fsmode |= std::ios::trunc; } else if (StringUtil::str_contains(mode, "a")) { // Check for appending fsmode |= std::ios::app; } else { // Ensure something was set throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Unsupported file mode. Must choose either 'w' or 'a'. Mode: ") + mode); } auto stage = builder.construct_object<WriteToFileStage>(name, filename, fsmode, file_type, include_index_col, flush); return stage; } } // namespace morpheus

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