NVIDIA Morpheus (24.06)
(Latest Version)

Program Listing for File type_util_detail.cpp

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#include "morpheus/utilities/type_util_detail.hpp" #include "morpheus/utilities/string_util.hpp" #include <glog/logging.h> #include <cstddef>// for size_t #include <map> #include <sstream> #include <stdexcept> #include <utility>// for pair namespace morpheus { std::map<char, std::map<size_t, TypeId>> make_str_to_type_id() { std::map<char, std::map<size_t, TypeId>> map; map['?'][1] = TypeId::BOOL8; map['i'][1] = TypeId::INT8; map['i'][2] = TypeId::INT16; map['i'][4] = TypeId::INT32; map['i'][8] = TypeId::INT64; map['u'][1] = TypeId::UINT8; map['u'][2] = TypeId::UINT16; map['u'][4] = TypeId::UINT32; map['u'][8] = TypeId::UINT64; map['f'][4] = TypeId::FLOAT32; map['f'][8] = TypeId::FLOAT64; return map; } std::map<char, std::map<size_t, TypeId>> str_to_type_id = make_str_to_type_id(); DataType::DataType(TypeId tid) : m_type_id(tid) {} TypeId DataType::type_id() const { return m_type_id; } size_t DataType::item_size() const { switch (m_type_id) { case TypeId::INT8: case TypeId::UINT8: case TypeId::BOOL8: return 1; case TypeId::INT16: case TypeId::UINT16: return 2; case TypeId::INT32: case TypeId::UINT32: case TypeId::FLOAT32: return 4; case TypeId::INT64: case TypeId::UINT64: case TypeId::FLOAT64: return 8; case TypeId::NUM_TYPE_IDS: case TypeId::EMPTY: default: throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown datatype"); } } std::string DataType::name() const { // TODO(MDD): Replace this with a better version. For now, follow type_str return this->type_str(); } std::string DataType::type_str() const { return MORPHEUS_CONCAT_STR("<" << this->type_char() << this->item_size()); } bool DataType::operator==(const DataType& other) const { return m_type_id == other.m_type_id; } DataType DataType::from_numpy(const std::string& numpy_str) { CHECK(!numpy_str.empty()) << "Cannot create DataType from empty string"; char type_char = numpy_str[0]; size_t size_start = 1; // Can start with < or > or none if (numpy_str[0] == '<' || numpy_str[0] == '>') { type_char = numpy_str[1]; size_start = 2; } auto dtype_size = std::stoi(numpy_str.substr(size_start)); // Now lookup in the map auto found_type = str_to_type_id.find(type_char); CHECK(found_type != str_to_type_id.end()) << "Type char '" << type_char << "' not supported"; auto found_enum = found_type->second.find(dtype_size); CHECK(found_enum != found_type->second.end()) << "Type str '" << type_char << dtype_size << "' not supported"; return {found_enum->second}; } char DataType::type_char() const { switch (m_type_id) { case TypeId::INT8: case TypeId::INT16: case TypeId::INT32: case TypeId::INT64: return 'i'; case TypeId::UINT8: case TypeId::UINT16: case TypeId::UINT32: case TypeId::UINT64: return 'u'; case TypeId::BOOL8: return '?'; case TypeId::FLOAT32: case TypeId::FLOAT64: return 'f'; case TypeId::NUM_TYPE_IDS: case TypeId::EMPTY: default: throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown datatype"); } } } // namespace morpheus

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