TAO Toolkit v5.3.0


OCDNet is an optical-character detection model that is included in the TAO Toolkit. It supports the following tasks:

  • train

  • evaluate

  • inference

  • prune

  • export

These tasks can be invoked from the TAO Toolkit Launcher using the following convention on the command-line:


tao model ocdnet <sub_task> <args_per_subtask>

Where args_per_subtask are the command-line arguments required for a given subtask. Each subtask is explained in detail in the following sections.

The dataset for OCDNet contains images and the corresponding label files.

Both the training dataset and test dataset must follow the same structure. The directory structure should be organized as follows, where the directory name for images is img and the directory name for label files is gt. By default, the label file is expected to use gt_ as a prefix for comparison to the corresponding image file.

The exact directory names train and test are not required but are preferred by convention.


/train /img img_0.jpg img_1.jpg ... /gt gt_img_0.txt gt_img_1.txt ... /test /img img_0.jpg img_1.jpg ... /gt gt_img_0.txt gt_img_1.txt ...

Below is an example label file from the public ICDAR2015 dataset:


$ cat ICDAR2015/test/gt/gt_img_14.txt 268,82,335,93,332,164,267,164,the 344,94,433,112,427,159,336,163,Future 208,191,374,184,371,213,208,241,Communications 370,176,420,176,416,204,373,213,### 1,57,261,76,261,187,0,190,venting 1,208,203,200,203,241,3,294,ntelligence.


The label file contains the cooridnates for all the points. The last one is the text. If the text is ### and the training spec file sets ignore_tags to ['###'], then those lines are ignored during training.

The spec file for OCDNet includes model, train, dataset, and evaluate, as well as other global parameters. Below is an example spec file for training an OCDNet model with a FAN-tiny backbone on an ICDAR2015 dataset.


num_gpus: 1 model: load_pruned_graph: False pruned_graph_path: '/results/prune/pruned_0.1.pth' pretrained_model_path: '/data/ocdnet/ocdnet_fan_tiny_2x_icdar.pth' backbone: fan_tiny_8_p4_hybrid enlarge_feature_map_size: True activation_checkpoint: True train: results_dir: /results/train num_epochs: 80 #resume_training_checkpoint_path: '/results/train/resume.pth' checkpoint_interval: 1 validation_interval: 1 is_dry_run: False precision: fp32 model_ema: False model_ema_decay: 0.999 trainer: clip_grad_norm: 5.0 optimizer: type: Adam args: lr: 0.001 lr_scheduler: type: WarmupPolyLR args: warmup_epoch: 3 post_processing: type: SegDetectorRepresenter args: thresh: 0.3 box_thresh: 0.55 max_candidates: 1000 unclip_ratio: 1.5 metric: type: QuadMetric args: is_output_polygon: false dataset: train_dataset: data_name: ICDAR2015Dataset data_path: ['/data/ocdnet_vit/train'] args: pre_processes: - type: IaaAugment args: - {'type':Fliplr, 'args':{'p':0.5}} - {'type': Affine, 'args':{'rotate':[-45,45]}} - {'type':Sometimes,'args':{'p':0.2, 'then_list':{'type': GaussianBlur, 'args':{'sigma':[1.5,2.5]}}}} - {'type':Resize,'args':{'size':[0.5,3]}} - type: EastRandomCropData args: size: [640,640] max_tries: 50 keep_ratio: true - type: MakeBorderMap args: shrink_ratio: 0.4 thresh_min: 0.3 thresh_max: 0.7 - type: MakeShrinkMap args: shrink_ratio: 0.4 min_text_size: 8 img_mode: BGR filter_keys: [img_path,img_name,text_polys,texts,ignore_tags,shape] ignore_tags: ['*', '###'] loader: batch_size: 1 pin_memory: true num_workers: 12 validate_dataset: data_name: ICDAR2015Dataset data_path: ['/data/ocdnet_vit/test'] args: pre_processes: - type: Resize2D args: short_size: - 1280 - 736 resize_text_polys: true img_mode: BGR filter_keys: [] ignore_tags: ['*', '###'] loader: batch_size: 1 pin_memory: false num_workers: 1

The top level description of the spec file is provided in the table below.

Parameter Data Type Default Description Supported Values
num_gpus unsigned int 1 The number of GPUs >0


The model parameter provides the list of parameters for the model.

Parameter Data Type Default Description Supported Values
load_pruned_graph bool false A flag specifying whether to load the pruned graph. Set to True if train/evaluate/export/inference is being performed against a pruned model. true/false
pruned_graph_path string The path to the pruned graph model (if load_pruned_graph is True) unix path
pretrained_model_path string The path to the pretrained model unix path
backbone string deformable_resnet18 The backbone of the model


enlarge_feature_map_size bool false A flag specifying whether to enlarge the output feature map size of the FAN-tiny backbone. This flag has no effect when using a deformable_resnet backbone. true/false
activation_checkpoint bool false A flag specifying whether to use activation checkpoints to save GPU memory. This flag has no effect when using a deformable_resnet backbone. true/false true/false


The train parameter provides the parameters for training.

Parameter Data Type Default Description Supported Values
results_dir string The directory for saving training result unix path
num_epochs unsigned int 50 The total number of epochs to run the experiment >0
checkpoint_interval unsigned int 1 The interval at which to save the checkpoint file >0
validation_interval unsigned int 1 The interval of validation >0
optimizer dict config The configuration for the optimizer
lr_scheduler dict config The configuration for the lr_scheduler
post_processing dict config The configuration for post_processing.
metric dict config The configuration for metric computing. QuadMetric is supported. If is_output_polygon is True, a polygon will be generated. If it is False, a BBox will be generated.
is_dry_run bool false If this flag is True, only one batch will run. This flag is only recommended for debugging purposes. true/false
precision string fp32 The precision that the model will be trained on. If this value is set to ‘fp16’, AMP training will be enabled fp32/fp16
model_ema bool false A flag to enable model EMA. The default value is False. If the value is True, model EMA will be enabled during training true/false
model_ema_decay float 0.999 The decay of model EMA. The default value is 0.999. This value is only used when model_ema is set to True. (0, 1]



optimizer: type: Adam args: lr: 0.001

Parameter Data Type Default Description Supported Values
type string Adam The optimizer type Adam
lr float The initial learning rate >=0.0



lr_scheduler: type: WarmupPolyLR args: warmup_epoch: 3

Parameter Data Type Default Description Supported Values
type string WarmupPolyLR Decays the learning rate via a polynomial function. The learning rate increases to initial value during warmup stage and is reduced from the initial value to zero during the training stage. WarmupPolyLR
warmup_epoch unsigned int 3 The warmup epoch, which the learning rate increases to the intitial value (i.e. optimizer.args.lr). The warmup epoch should not be the same as the num_epochs. >=0



post_processing: type: SegDetectorRepresenter args: thresh: 0.3 box_thresh: 0.55 max_candidates: 1000 unclip_ratio: 1.5

Parameter Data Type Default Description Supported Values
type string SegDetectorRepresenter The name of the post_processing. The post_processing will generate BBox or polygon. SegDetectorRepresenter
thresh float 0.3 The threshold for binarization, which is used in generating an approximate binary map. 0.0 ~ 1.0
box_thresh float 0.7 The BBox threshold. If the effective area is lower than this threshold, the prediction will be ignored, which means no text is detected. 0.0 ~ 1.0
max_candidates unsigned int 1000 The maximum candidate output. Enlarge this parameter if characters are detected in one area but obviously not in the other area of the image. > 1
unclip_ratio float 1.5 The unclip ratio using the Vatti clipping algorithm in the probability map. The BBox will look larger if this ratio is set larger. >0.0


The dataset is defined by two sections: train_dataset and validate_dataset

Parameter Data Type Default Description Supported Values
train_dataset dict config The configuragtion for the training dataset
validate_dataset dict config The configuragtion for the validation dataset

The parameters for train_dataset is provided below.

Parameter Data Type Default Description Supported Values




The dataset name. For “ICDAR2015Dataset”, the label file is
expected to use gt_ as a prefix. For “UberDataset”,
the label file is expected to use truth_ as a prefix.


data_path string list The list of paths that contain images used for training: For example, ['path_1'] or ['path_1', 'path_2', ...]
pre_processes dict The pre-processing configuration (see ) train_preprocess for more details
img_mode string BGR The image mode BGR, RGB, GRAY
filter_keys string list ['img_path', 'img_name', 'text_polys', 'texts', 'ignore_tags', 'shape'] The keys to ignore
ignore_tags string list ['*', '###'] The labels that are not used to train
batch_size unsigned int False The batch size. Set to a lower value if you encounter out-of-memory errors. >0
pin_memory bool False A flag specifying whether to enable pinned memory true/false
num_workers unsigned int 1 The threds used to load data >=0



pre_processes: - type: IaaAugment args: - {'type':Fliplr, 'args':{'p':0.5}} - {'type': Affine, 'args':{'rotate':[-45,45]}} - {'type':Sometimes,'args':{'p':0.2, 'then_list':{'type': GaussianBlur, 'args':{'sigma':[1.5,2.5]}}}} - {'type':Resize,'args':{'size':[0.5,3]}} - type: EastRandomCropData args: size: [640,640] max_tries: 50 keep_ratio: true - type: MakeBorderMap args: shrink_ratio: 0.4 thresh_min: 0.3 thresh_max: 0.7 - type: MakeShrinkMap args: shrink_ratio: 0.4 min_text_size: 8

Parameter Data Type Default Description Supported Values


dict list

{'type':Fliplr, 'args':{'p':0.5}}
{'type': Affine, 'args':{'rotate':[-10,10]}}
{'type':Sometimes,'args':{'p':1.0, 'then_list':{'type': GaussianBlur, 'args':{'sigma':[1.5,2.5]}}}}

Uses imgaug to perform augmentation. “Fliplr”, “Affine”, “Sometimes”, “GaussianBlur” and “Resize” are used by default.
p defines the probability of each image to be flipped. rotate defines the degree range when rotating images by a random value.
Sometimes defines only p percent of all images with one or more augmenters. then_list defines the Augmenter(s) to apply to p percent of all images
GaussianBlur defines the blur using gaussian kernels. sigma defines the standard deviation of the gaussian kernel.
size defines the range when resizing each image compared to its original size.

p: 0.0 ~ 1.0 roate: -180 ~ 180 sigma: -180 ~ 180 resize: >0.0 ~ >0.0
EastRandomCropData dict config – – The ramdom crop after augmentation. size defines the cropped target size(width,height). The width and height should be multiples of 32. max_tries defines the maximum times to try to crop since the cropped area may be too small or cropping may have failed. keep_ratio specifies whether to keep the aspect ratio. size: [>0, >0] max_tries: >0 keep_ratio: true/false
MakeBorderMap dict config Defines the parameter when generating a threshold map. shrink_ratio is used to calculate the distance between expanding/shrinking polygons and the original text polygon. thresh_min and thresh_max will set the threshold range when generating the threshold map. 0.0 ~ 1.0
MakeShrinkMap dict config Defines the parameter when generating a probability map. shrink_ratio is used to generate shrunken polygons. min_text_size specifies that the text will be ignored if its height or width is lower than this parameter. 0.0 ~ 1.0

The parameters for validate_dataset are similar to train_dataset, except below validation_preprocess.



pre_processes: - type: Resize2D args: short_size: - 1280 - 736 resize_text_polys: true

Parameter Data Type Default Description Supported Values
type string Resize2D Resize the images and labels before evaluation. Resize2D
short_size list Resize the image to (width x height). >0, >0, and multiples of 32.
resize_text_polys bool A flag specifying whether to resize the text coordinate true/false


The following is an example spec file for evaluating on the ICDAR2015 dataset.


model: load_pruned_graph: False pruned_graph_path: '/results/prune/pruned_0.1.pth' backbone: deformable_resnet18 evaluate: results_dir: /results/evaluate checkpoint: /results/train/model_best.pth gpu_id: 0 post_processing: type: SegDetectorRepresenter args: box_thresh: 0.55 max_candidates: 1000 unclip_ratio: 1.5 metric: type: QuadMetric args: is_output_polygon: false dataset: validate_dataset: data_path: ['/data/ocdnet/test'] args: pre_processes: - type: Resize2D args: short_size: - 1280 - 736 resize_text_polys: true img_mode: BGR filter_keys: [] ignore_tags: ['*', '###'] loader: batch_size: 1 shuffle: false pin_memory: false num_workers: 4


The following is an example spec file for running infernce:


model: load_pruned_graph: false pruned_graph_path: '/results/prune/pruned_0.1.pth' backbone: deformable_resnet18 inference: checkpoint: '/results/train/model_best.pth' input_folder: /data/ocdnet/test/img width: 1280 height: 736 img_mode: BGR polygon: false results_dir: /results/inference post_processing: type: SegDetectorRepresenter args: thresh: 0.3 box_thresh: 0.55 max_candidates: 1000 unclip_ratio: 1.5

The inference parameter defines the hyper-parameters of the inference process. Inference will draw bounding boxes or polygons and visualize it in images.

Parameter Datatype Default Description Supported Values
checkpoint string The path to the pth model Unix path
input_folder string The path to the input folder for inference Unix path
width unsigned int The input width >=1
height unsigned int The input height >=1
img_mode string The image mode BGR/RGB/GRAY
polygon bool A True value specifies BBox, while a False value specifies polygon. true, false

Use the following command to run OCDnet training:


tao model ocdnet train -e <experiment_spec_file> -r <results_dir> [model.pretrained_model_path=<path_to_pretrained_model_file>] [train.resume_training_checkpoint_path=<path_to_resume_training_checkpoint>] [num_gpus=<num_gpus>]

Required Arguments

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: The path to the experiment spec file

Optional Arguments

  • -r, --results_dir: The path to the folder where the experiment outputs should be written

  • num_gpus: The number of GPUs to be used in the training in a multi-GPU scenario. The default value is 1.

Here’s an example of running train with a pretrained model:


tao model ocdnet train \ -e $SPECS_DIR/train.yaml \ -r $RESULTS_DIR/train \ model.pretrained_model_path=$DATA_DIR/ocdnet_deformable_resnet18.pth

Here’s an example of resuming training:


tao model ocdnet train \ -e $SPECS_DIR/train.yaml \ -r $RESULTS_DIR/train \ train.resume_training_checkpoint_path=$RESULTS_DIR/train/resume.pth

Here’s an example of running train with multi-gpus:


tao model ocdnet train \ -e $SPECS_DIR/train.yaml \ -r $RESULTS_DIR/train \ model.pretrained_model_path=$DATA_DIR/ocdnet_deformable_resnet18.pth \ num_gpus=2


By default, the training is using DDP(distributed data parallel) strategy. When train with multi-gpus, only if evaluation images are multiple of num_gpus * evaluate_batch_size, the hmean result during training will be the same as the hmean result of running tao model ocdnet evaluate.

Use the following command to run OCDNet evaluation:


tao model ocdnet evaluate -e <experiment_spec_file> [evaluate.checkpoint=<path_to_checkpoint>]

Required Arguments

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: The experiment spec file to set up the evaluation experiment

Optional Arguments

  • -r, --results_dir: The path to a folder where the experiment outputs should be written

  • -h, --help: Show this help message and exit.

Here’s an example of using the OCDNet evaluation command:


tao model ocdnet evaluate \ -e $SPECS_DIR/evaluate.yaml \ evaluate.checkpoint=$RESULTS_DIR/train/model_best.pth


tao ocdnet inference -e <experiment_spec_file> -r <results_dir>

Required Arguments

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: The experiment spec file to set up the inference experiment.

Optional Arguments

  • -r, --results_dir: The path to a folder where the experiment outputs should be written

Here’s an example of using the OCDNet inference command:


tao model ocdnet inference \ -e $SPECS_DIR/inference.yaml \ inference.checkpoint=$RESULTS_DIR/train/model_best.pth \ inference.input_folder=$DATA_DIR/test/img \ inference.results_dir=$RESULTS_DIR/infer


Currently, inference expects existing label files in the gt folder. If there are not any label files, please generate dummy labels under the gt folder. Use the below script for reference:


#!/bin/bash folder_path=/workspace/datasets/ICDAR2015/datasets/test mkdir -p ${folder_path}/gt for filename in `ls ${folder_path}/img`; do touch "${folder_path}/gt/gt_${filename%.*}.txt" echo "10,10,10,20,20,10,20,20,###" > "${folder_path}/gt/gt_${filename%.*}.txt" done

Model pruning reduces model parameters to improve inference frames per second (FPS) while maintaining nearly the same hmean.

Pruning is applied to an already trained OCDNet model. After pruning, the pruned graph model is generated. It is a new model with fewer parameters. Once you have this pruned graph model, you will need to retrain it on the same dataset to bring back the hmean. During retraining, you need to enable loading this pruned graph model and setting the path to this model.

The prune parameter defines the hyperparameters of the pruning process.


prune: checkpoint: /results/train/model_best.pth ch_sparsity: 0.2 round_to: 32 p: 2 results_dir: /results/prune verbose: True model: backbone: fan_tiny_8_p4_hybrid enlarge_feature_map_size: True fuse_qkv_proj: False dataset: validate_dataset: data_path: ['/data/ocdnet_vit/test'] args: pre_processes: - type: Resize2D args: short_size: - 640 - 640 resize_text_polys: true img_mode: BGR filter_keys: [] ignore_tags: ['*', '###'] loader: batch_size: 1 shuffle: false pin_memory: false num_workers: 1

Parameter Datatype Default Description Supported Values
checkpoint string The path to PyTorch model to prune unix path
ch_sparsity float The pruning threshold 0.0 ~ 1.0
results_dir string The path to the results directory unix path
round_to unsigned int Round channels to the nearest multiple of round_to. E.g., round_to=8 means channels will be rounded to 8x. >0
p unsigned int The norm degree to estimate the importance of channels. Default: 2 >0
verbose bool A flag whether print prune information, default: True true/false
fuse_qkv_proj bool A flag whether fuse the qkv projection, default: True, it’s only needed set to True when using fan-tiny backbone. true/false

Use the following command to run pruning on the OCDNet model.


tao model ocdnet prune -e $SPECS_DIR/prune.yaml \ prune.checkpoint=$RESULTS_DIR/train/model_best.pth \ prune.ch_sparsity=0.1 \ prune.results_dir=$RESULTS_DIR/prune

Required Arguments

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: The experiment spec file to set up the pruning experiment.

Optional Arguments

  • prune.ch_sparsity: The pruning threshold, which should be a float number between 0.0 and 1.0. The default value is 0.1.

After pruning, the pruned model can be used for retraining (i.e. fine tuning). To start the retraining, you need to set the load_pruned_graph parameter to true and set the pruned_graph_path parameter to point to the model that is generated from pruning.


When retraining, evaluating, performing inference on, or exporting a model that has a pruned structure, you need to set load_pruned_graph to true so that the newly pruned model structure is imported. See the examples for more details.

Here’s an example of running training with a pruned model:


tao model ocdnet train -e $SPECS_DIR/train.yaml \ -r $RESULTS_DIR/retrain \ model.load_pruned_graph=true \ model.pruned_graph_path=$RESULTS_DIR/prune/pruned_$ch_sparsity.pth

Here’s an example of resuming training against a pruned model:


tao model ocdnet train \ -e $SPECS_DIR/train.yaml \ -r $RESULTS_DIR/retrain \ model.load_pruned_graph=true \ model.pruned_graph_path=$RESULTS_DIR/prune/pruned_$ch_sparsity.pth train.resume_training_checkpoint_path=$RESULTS_DIR/retrain/resume.pth

Here’s an example of running evalation against a pruned model:


tao model ocdnet evaluate \ -e $SPECS_DIR/evaluate.yaml \ -r $RESULTS_DIR/evaluate \ model.load_pruned_graph=true \ model.pruned_graph_path=$RESULTS_DIR/prune/pruned_$ch_sparsity.pth evaluate.checkpoint==$RESULTS_DIR/train/model_best.pth

Here’s an example of running inference against a pruned model:


tao model ocdnet inference \ -e $SPECS_DIR/inference.yaml \ model.load_pruned_graph=true \ model.pruned_graph_path=$RESULTS_DIR/prune/pruned_$ch_sparsity.pth inference.checkpoint=$RESULTS_DIR/train/model_best.pth \ inference.input_folder=$DATA_DIR/test/img \ inference.results_dir=$RESULTS_DIR/infer

Here’s an example of running export against a pruned model:


tao model ocdnet export \ -e $SPECS_DIR/export.yaml \ model.load_pruned_graph=true \ model.pruned_graph_path=$RESULTS_DIR/prune/pruned_$ch_sparsity.pth export.checkpoint=$RESULTS_DIR/train/model_best.pth \ export.onnx_file=$RESULTS_DIR/export/model_best.onnx

The export parameter defines the hyperparameters of the export process.


model: load_pruned_graph: False pruned_graph_path: '/results/prune/pruned_0.1.pth' backbone: deformable_resnet18 export: results_dir: /results/export checkpoint: '/results/train/model_best.pth' onnx_file: '/results/export/model_best.onnx' width: 1280 height: 736 dataset: validate_dataset: data_path: ['/data/ocdnet/test']

Parameter Datatype Default Description Supported Values
checkpoint string The path to PyTorch model to export Unix path
onnx_file string The path to onnx file Unix path
opset_version unsigned int 11 The opset version of the exported onnx >0
input_width unsigned int 1280 The input width >0
input_height unsigned int 736 The input height >0

tao ocdnet export -e $SPECS_DIR/export.yaml export.checkpoint=<path_to_pth_file> export.onnx_file=<path_to_onnx_file>

Required Arguments

  • -e, --experiment_spec: The experiment spec file to set up export

  • export.checkpoint: The path to save the exported model to

  • export.onnx_file: Show this help message and exit.

Here’s an example for using the OCDNet export command:


tao model ocdnet export \ -e $SPECS_DIR/export.yaml \ export.checkpoint=$RESULTS_DIR/train/model_best.pth \ export.onnx_file=$RESULTS_DIR/export/model_best.onnx

For deployment, please refer to the TAO Deploy documentation.


If you are not running OCDNet TensorRT engine with tao deploy, in other words, if there is no output when you run nm -gDC /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvinfer_plugin.so |grep ModulatedDeformableConvPlugin in x86 platform or nm -gDC /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libnvinfer_plugin.so |grep ModulatedDeformableConvPlugin in Jetson platform, you need to compile/replace the TensorRT OSS plugin since OCDNet requires the modulatedDeformConvPlugin.

  1. Get the TensorRT repository:


    git clone -b release/8.6 https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT.git cd TensorRT git submodule update --init --recursive

  2. Compile the TensorRT libnvinfer_plugin.so file:


    mkdir build && cd build # On X86 platform cmake .. # On Jetson platform cmake .. -DTRT_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ make nvinfer_plugin -j12

    The libnvinfer_plugin.so.8.6.x is generated under the build folder. Note that x depends on the actual minor version.

  3. Replace the default plugin library. Note that the exact plugin name will depend on the TensorRT version installed in your system.


    # On X86 platform, for example, if the default plugin is /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvinfer_plugin.so.8.5.2, then cp libnvinfer_plugin.so.8.6.x /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvinfer_plugin.so.8.5.2 # On Jetson platform, for example, if the default plugin is /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libnvinfer_plugin.so.8.5.2, then cp libnvinfer_plugin.so.8.6.x /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libnvinfer_plugin.so.8.5.2

Refer to the nvOCDR page for more information about deploying an OCDNet model to DeepStream. You can run nvOCDR with the DeepStream sample or Triton Inference Server. Specifically, nvOCDR Triton can support inference against high resolution image. In short, it will resize the image while keeping aspect ratio and then tile the image to small patches, and run OCDNet to get the output then merge the result. This is useful to improve hmean in case a model is trained with a smaller resolution but will run inference against higher resolution images. For images which are not high resolution, you can also set resize_keep_aspect_ratio:true, this is useful to improve hmean because the images are resized without distortion.

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© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA.. Last updated on Aug 26, 2024.