DINO is an object-detection model included in the TAO Toolkit. It supports the following tasks:
These tasks can be invoked from the TAO Toolkit Launcher using the following convention on the command-line:
tao model dino <sub_task> <args_per_subtask>
where, args_per_subtask
are the command-line arguments required for a given subtask. Each
subtask is explained in detail in the following sections.
DINO expects directories of images for training or validation and annotated JSON files in COCO format.
Sharding the Data
Sharding is not necessary if the annotation is already in JSON format and your dataset is smaller than the COCO dataset.
For a large dataset, you can optionally use convert
to shard the dataset into smaller chunks
to reduce the memory burden. In this process, KITTI-based annotations are converted into smaller sharded
JSON files, similar to other object detection networks. Here is an example spec file for converting
KITTI-based folders into multiple sharded JSON files.
input_source: /workspace/tao-experiments/data/sequence.txt
output_dir: /workspace/tao-experiments/sharded
image_dir_name: images
label_dir_name: labels
num_shards: 32
num_partitions: 1
The details of each parameter are summarized in the table below:
Parameter |
Data Type |
Default |
Description |
Supported Values |
string |
None |
The |
string |
None |
The output directory where sharded JSON files will be stored |
string |
None |
The relative path to the directory containing images from the path listed in the |
string |
None |
The relative path to the directory containing JSON data from the path listed in the |
unsigned int |
32 |
The number of shards per partition |
>0 |
unsigned int |
1 |
The number of partitions in the data |
>0 |
The following example shows how to use the convert
tao model dino convert -e /path/to/spec.yaml
The training experiment spec file for DINO includes model
, train
, and dataset
Here is an example spec file for training a DINO model with a resnet_50
backbone on a COCO dataset.
- image_dir: /path/to/coco/train2017/
json_file: /path/to/coco/annotations/instances_train2017.json
- image_dir: /path/to/coco/val2017/
json_file: /path/to/coco/annotations/instances_val2017.json
num_classes: 91
batch_size: 4
workers: 8
scales: [480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800]
input_mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
input_std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
horizontal_flip_prob: 0.5
train_random_resize: [400, 500, 600]
train_random_crop_min: 384
train_random_crop_max: 600
random_resize_max_size: 1333
test_random_resize: 800
pretrained_model_path: /path/to/your-fan-small-pretrained-model
backbone: fan_small
train_backbone: True
num_feature_levels: 4
dec_layers: 6
enc_layers: 6
num_queries: 300
num_queries: 900
dropout_ratio: 0.0
dim_feedforward: 2048
lr_backbone: 2e-5
lr: 2e-4
lr_steps: [10]
momentum: 0.9
num_epochs: 12
Parameter |
Data Type |
Default |
Description |
Supported Values |
dict config |
– |
The configuration of the model architecture |
dict config |
– |
The configuration of the training task |
dict config |
– |
The configuration of the dataset |
dict config |
– |
The configuration of the evaluation task |
dict config |
– |
The configuration of the inference task |
dict config |
– |
The configuration of the ONNX export task |
dict config |
– |
The configuration of the TensorRT generation task. Only used in tao deploy |
string |
None |
The encryption key to encrypt and decrypt model files |
string |
None |
The directory where experiment results are saved |
The model
parameter provides options to change the DINO architecture.
pretrained_model_path: /path/to/your-fan-small-pretrained-model
backbone: fan_small
train_backbone: True
num_feature_levels: 4
dec_layers: 6
enc_layers: 6
num_queries: 300
num_queries: 900
dropout_ratio: 0.0
dim_feedforward: 2048
Parameter |
Datatype |
Default |
Description |
Supported Values |
string |
None |
The optional path to the pretrained backbone file |
string to the path |
string |
resnet_50 |
The backbone name of the model. GCViT, FAN, and ResNet 50 are supported. |
resnet_50, gc_vit_xxtiny, |
bool |
True |
A flag specifying whether to train the backbone or not |
True, False |
unsigned int |
4 |
The number of feature levels to use in the model |
1,2,3,4,5 |
int list |
[1, 2, 3, 4] |
The index of feature levels to use in the model. The length must match |
int list |
unsigned int |
6 |
The number of decoder layers in the transformer |
>0 |
unsigned int |
6 |
The number of encoder layers in the transformer |
>0 |
unsigned int |
900 |
The number of queries |
>0 |
unsigned int |
2048 |
The dimension of feedforward network |
>0 |
unsigned int |
300 |
The number of top-K predictions selected during post-process |
>0 |
bool |
True |
A flag specifying whether to enbable contrastive de-noising training in DINO |
True, False |
unsigned_int |
100 |
The number of de-noising queries in DINO |
>0 |
float |
1.0 |
The scale of noise applied to boxes during contrastive de-noising. If this value is 0, noise is not applied. |
>=0 |
float |
0.5 |
The scale of noise applied to labels during contrastive de-noising. If this value is 0, noise is not applied. |
>=0 |
unsigned_int |
20 |
The temperature applied to the height dimension of Positional Sine Embedding |
>0 |
unsigned_int |
20 |
The temperature applied to the width dimension of Positional Sine Embedding |
>0 |
signed_int |
-1 |
If this value is -1, width and height are learned seperately for each box. If this value is -2, a shared w and h are learned. A value greater than 0 specifies learning with a fixed number. |
>0, -1, -2 |
float |
0.0 |
The probability to drop hidden units |
0.0 ~ 1.0 |
float |
2.0 |
The relative weight of the classification error in the matching cost |
>0.0 |
float |
5.0 |
The relative weight of the L1 error of the bounding box coordinates in the matching cost |
>0.0 |
float |
2.0 |
The relative weight of the GIoU loss of the bounding box in the matching cost |
>0.0 |
float |
0.25 |
The alpha in the focal loss |
>0.0 |
bool |
True |
A flag specifying whether to use auxiliary decoding losses (loss at each decoder layer) |
True, False |
The train
parameter defines the hyperparameters of the training process.
lr: 0.0002
lr_backbone: 0.00002
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.0001
lr_scheduler: MultiStep
lr_steps: [11]
lr_decay: 0.1
num_epochs: 12
checkpoint_interval: 1
precision: fp32
distributed_strategy: ddp
activation_checkpoint: True
num_gpus: 8
num_nodes: 1
Parameter |
Datatype |
Default |
Description |
Supported Values |
dict config |
The config for the optimizer, including the learning rate, learning scheduler, and weight decay |
>0 |
unsigned int |
12 |
The total number of epochs to run the experiment |
>0 |
unsigned int |
1 |
The interval at which the checkpoints are saved |
>0 |
unsigned int |
1 |
The epoch interval at which the validation is run |
>0 |
float |
0.1 |
amount to clip the gradient by the L2 norm. A value of 0.0 specifies no clipping |
>=0 |
string |
fp32 |
Specifying “fp16” enables precision training. Training with fp16 can help save GPU memory. |
fp32, fp16 |
string |
ddp |
The multi-GPU training strategy. DDP (Distributed Data Parallel) and Sharded DDP are supported. |
ddp, ddp_sharded |
bool |
True |
A True value instructs train to recompute in backward pass to save GPU memory, rather than storing activations. |
True, False |
string |
The intermediate PyTorch Lightning checkpoint to resume training from |
string |
Path to pretrained model checkpoint path to load for finetuning |
unsigned int |
1 |
The number of GPUs to use |
>0 |
unsigned int |
1 |
The number of nodes. If the value is larger than 1, multi-node is enabled |
>0 |
The optim
parameter defines the config for the optimizer in training, including the
learning rate, learning scheduler, and weight decay.
lr: 0.0002
lr_backbone: 0.00002
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.0001
lr_scheduler: MultiStep
lr_steps: [11]
lr_decay: 0.1
Parameter |
Datatype |
Default |
Description |
Supported Values |
float |
1e-4 |
The initial learning rate for training the model, excluding the backbone |
>0.0 |
float |
1e-5 |
The initial learning rate for training the backbone |
>0.0 |
float |
0.1 |
The initial learning rate for training the linear projection layer |
>0.0 |
float |
0.9 |
The momentum for the AdamW optimizer |
>0.0 |
float |
1e-4 |
The weight decay coefficient |
>0.0 |
string |
MultiStep |
The learning scheduler: |
MultiStep/StepLR |
float |
0.1 |
The decreasing factor for the learning rate scheduler |
>0.0 |
int list |
[11] |
The steps to decrease the learning rate for the |
int list |
unsigned int |
11 |
The steps to decrease the learning rate for the |
>0 |
string |
val_loss |
The monitor value for the |
val_loss/train_loss |
string |
AdamW |
The optimizer to use during training |
AdamW/SGD |
The dataset
parameter defines the dataset source, training batch size, and
- image_dir: /path/to/coco/images/train2017/
json_file: /path/to/coco/annotations/instances_train2017.json
- image_dir: /path/to/coco/images/val2017/
json_file: /path/to/coco/annotations/instances_val2017.json
image_dir: /path/to/coco/images/val2017/
json_file: /path/to/coco/annotations/instances_val2017.json
image_dir: /path/to/coco/images/val2017/
classmap: /path/to/coco/annotations/coco_classmap.txt
num_classes: 91
batch_size: 4
workers: 8
Parameter |
Datatype |
Default |
Description |
Supported Values |
list dict |
The training data sources: |
list dict |
The validation data sources: |
dict |
The test data sources for evaluation: |
dict |
The infer data sources for inference: |
dict config |
The parameters to define the augmentation method |
unsigned int |
91 |
The number of classes in the training data |
>0 |
unsigned int |
4 |
The batch size for training and validation |
>0 |
unsigned int |
8 |
The number of parallel workers processing data |
>0 |
string |
default_sampler |
The minibatch sampling method. Non-default sampling methods can be enabled for multi-node |
default_sampler, non_uniform_sampler, |
string |
serialized |
If set to |
serialized, default |
The augmentation
parameter contains hyperparameters for augmentation.
scales: [480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800]
input_mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
input_std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
horizontal_flip_prob: 0.5
train_random_resize: [400, 500, 600]
train_random_crop_min: 384
train_random_crop_max: 600
random_resize_max_size: 1333
test_random_resize: 800
Parameter |
Datatype |
Default |
Description |
Supported Values |
int list |
[480, 512, 544, 576, |
A list of sizes to perform random resize. |
float list |
[0.485, 0.456, 0.406] |
The input mean for RGB frames: |
float list / size=1 or 3 |
float list |
[0.229, 0.224, 0.225] |
The input std for RGB frames: |
float list / size=1 or 3 |
float |
0.5 |
The probability for horizonal flip during training. |
>=0 |
int list |
[400, 500, 600] |
A list of sizes to perform random resize for train data |
int list |
unsigned int |
384 |
The minimum random crop size for training data |
>0 |
unsigned int |
600 |
The maximum random crop size for training data |
>0 |
unsigned int |
1333 |
The maximum random resize size for train data |
>0 |
unsigned int |
800 |
The random resize size for test data |
>0 |
bool |
True |
Zero-pad resized image to |
True/False |
To train a DINO model, use this command:
tao model dino train [-h] -e <experiment_spec>
[-r <results_dir>]
[-k <key>]
Required Arguments
-e, --experiment_spec
: The experiment specification file to set up the training experiment
Optional Arguments
-r, --results_dir
: The path to the folder where the experiment outputs should be written. If this argument is not specified, theresults_dir
from the spec file will be used.-k, --key
: A user-specific encoding key to save or load a.tlt
model. If this argument is not specified, the model checkpoint will not be encrypted.--gpus
: The number of GPUs used to run training--num_nodes
: The number of nodes used to run training. If this value is larger than 1, distributed multi-node training is enabled.-h, --help
: Show this help message and exit.
Sample Usage
Here’s an example of the train
tao dino model train -e /path/to/spec.yaml
Optimizing Resource for training DINO
Training DINO requires strong GPUs (e.g. V100/A100) with at least 15GB of VRAM and a lot of CPU memory to be trained on a standard dataset like COCO. In this section, we outline some of the strategies you can use to launch training with only limited resources.
Optimize GPU Memory
There are various ways to optimize GPU memory usage. One obvious trick is to reduce dataset.batch_size
. However, this can cause your training to take longer than usual.
Hence, we recommend setting below configurations in order to optimize GPU consumption.
to enable automatic mixed precision training. This can reduce your GPU memory usage by 50%.Set
to enable activation checkpointing. By recomputing the activations instead of caching them into memory, the memory usage can be improved.Set
to enabled Sharded DDP training. This will share gradient calculation across different processes to help reduce GPU memory.Try using more lightweight backbones like
or freeze the backbone through settingmodel.train_backbone
to False.Try changing the augmentation resolution in
depending on your dataset.
Optimize CPU Memory
To speed up data loading, it is a common practice to set high number of workers to spawn multiple processes. However, this can cause your CPU memory to become Out of Memory if the size of your annotation file is very large. Hence, we recommend setting below configurations in order to optimize CPU consumption.
so that the COCO-based annotation data can be shared across different subprocesses.Set
to True so that images are padded before the batch formulation. Due to random resize and random crop augmentation during training, the resulting image resolution after transform can vary across images. Such variable image resolutions can cause memory leak and the CPU memory to slowly stacks up until it becomes Out of Memory in the middle of training. This is the limitation of PyTorch so we advise settingfixed_padding
to True to help stablize the CPU memory usage.
The evaluate
parameter defines the hyperparameters of the evaluate process.
checkpoint: /path/to/model.pth
conf_threshold: 0.0
num_gpus: 1
Parameter |
Datatype |
Default |
Description |
Supported Values |
string |
Path to PyTorch model to evaluate |
string |
Path to TensorRT model to evaluate. Should be only used with tao deploy |
unsigned int |
1 |
The number of GPUs to use |
>0 |
float |
0.0 |
Confidence threshold to filter predictions |
>=0 |
To run evaluation with a DINO model, use this command:
tao model dino evaluate [-h] -e <experiment_spec>
[-r <results_dir>]
[-k <key>]
evaluate.checkpoint=<model to be evaluated>
Required Arguments
-e, --experiment_spec
: The experiment spec file to set up the evaluation experiment
Optional Arguments
-k, --key
: A user-specific encoding key to save or load a.tlt
model. If this value is not specified, a.pth
model must be used.-r, --results_dir
: The directory where the evaluation result is storedevaluate.checkpoint
: The.tlt
model to be evaluated
Sample Usage
Here’s an example of using the evaluate
tao model dino evaluate -e /path/to/spec.yaml -r /path/to/results/ evaluate.checkpoint=/path/to/model.pth
The inference
parameter defines the hyperparameters of the inference process.
checkpoint: /path/to/model.pth
conf_threshold: 0.5
num_gpus: 1
person: red
car: blue
Parameter |
Datatype |
Default |
Description |
Supported Values |
string |
Path to PyTorch model to inference |
string |
Path to TensorRT model to inference. Should be only used with tao deploy |
unsigned int |
1 |
The number of GPUs to use |
>0 |
float |
0.5 |
Confidence threshold to filter predictions |
>=0 |
dict |
Color map of the bounding boxes for each class |
string dict |
The inference tool for DINO models can be used to visualize bboxes and generate frame-by- frame KITTI format labels on a directory of images.
tao model dino inference [-h] -e <experiment spec file>
[-r <results_dir>]
[-k <key>]
inference.checkpoint=<model to be inferenced>
Required Arguments
-e, --experiment_spec
: The experiment spec file to set up the inference experiment
Optional Arguments
-k, --key
: A user-specific encoding key to save or load a.tlt
model. If this value is not specified, a.pth
model must be used-r, --results_dir
: The directory where the inference result is storedinference.checkpoint
: The.tlt
model to inference
Sample Usage
Here’s an example of using the inference
tao model dino inference -e /path/to/spec.yaml -r /path/to/results/ inference.checkpoint=/path/to/model.pth
The export
parameter defines the hyperparameters of the export process.
checkpoint: /path/to/model.pth
onnx_file: /path/to/model.onnx
on_cpu: False
opset_version: 12
input_channel: 3
input_width: 960
input_height: 544
batch_size: -1
Parameter |
Datatype |
Default |
Description |
Supported Values |
string |
The path to the PyTorch model to export |
string |
The path to the |
bool |
True |
If this value is True, the DMHA module will be exported as standard pytorch. If this value is False, the module will be exported using the TRT Plugin. |
True, False |
unsigned int |
12 |
The opset version of the exported ONNX |
>0 |
unsigned int |
3 |
The input channel size. Only the value 3 is supported. |
3 |
unsigned int |
960 |
The input width |
>0 |
unsigned int |
544 |
The input height |
>0 |
unsigned int |
-1 |
The batch size of the ONNX model. If this value is set to -1, the export uses dynamic batch size. |
>=-1 |
tao model dino export [-h] -e <experiment spec file>
[-r <results_dir>]
[-k <key>]
export.checkpoint=<model to export>
export.onnx_file=<onnx path>
Required Arguments
-e, --experiment_spec
: The path to an experiment spec file
Optional Arguments
-k, --key
: A user-specific encoding key to save or load a.tlt
model. If this value is not specified, a.pth
model must be used-r, --results_dir
: The directory where the inference result is storedexport.checkpoint
: The.tlt
model to exportexport.onnx_file
: The path where the.etlt
model will be saved
Sample Usage
Here’s an example of using the export
tao model dino export -e /path/to/spec.yaml export.checkpoint=/path/to/model.pth export.onnx_file=/path/to/model.onnx
For deployment, refer to TAO Deploy documentation for DINO.
Refer to the Integrating a Deformable DETR Model documentation for DINO page for more information about deploying a Deformable DETR model to DeepStream.