Theano Release 17.06

NVIDIA Optimized Frameworks (Latest Release) Download PDF

The NVIDIA container image of Theano, release 17.06, is available.

Theano container image version 17.06 is based on Theano 0.9.0.

Contents of Theano

This container image contains the complete source of the version of NVIDIA Theano in /opt/theano. It is pre-built and installed into the /usr/local/[bin,share,lib] directories in the container image. The container also includes the following:

Key Features and Enhancements

This Theano release includes the following key features and enhancements.

  • Removed the old sandbox.cuda backend. All of the tests and third-party sub-modules have been converted to the new gpuarray backend.
  • Theano master branch updates since 0.9 release, including numerous bug fixes and use of cuDNN 6 dilated convolutions.
  • Ubuntu 16.04 with May 2017 updates

Known Issues

Because of the removal of the old sandbox.cuda backend in this release, the user modules that use the old backend explicitly, require porting to the gpuarray backend. For more information, see Converting to the new gpu back end (gpuarray).

© Copyright 2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jan 27, 2020.