NVIDIA Optimized Frameworks
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PyProf 20.07 Release Notes


PyProf release for 20.07, is available in the NVIDIA PyTorch NGC containers and directly from the PyProf GitHub page.

New Features

The key features of PyProf v3.2.0 / r20.07 are:

  • Latest PyProf version supports PyTorch 1.6.0 and Nsight Systems 2020.3.2
  • Latest PyProf version compatible with DLProf v0.13.0 / r20.07
  • Monkey patch support for APEX, fused Adam, and Layer Norm functions.
  • PyYAML requirement has been removed.
  • Error handling for non-existent parse file arguments has been added.

Known Issues

  • This software only supports PyTorch 1.6.
  • Forward-Backward kernel correlation heuristics do not work correctly with PyTorch 1.6. Recommended work arounds include:
    • Use with PyTorch 1.5.
    • Use the 20.03-py3 PyTorch NGC container:

      docker pull nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:20.03-py3

    • Use DLProf in the 20.08 NGC PyTorch container.

Resolved Issues

  • None
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